Pet Travel

Traveling soon? North Hills Animal Hospital can help you obtain a pet health certificate. Pet health certificates are required for pets traveling domestically within the USA and internationally. The Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) recommends planning at least two months in advance for domestic travel and four months in advance for international travel.
Different countries have different travel criteria, so you'll need to determine exactly what you'll need and the requirements that you must meet for your pet to travel with you. We recommend checking USDA APHIS to learn about the requirements for your travel destination before making your pet health certificate appointment.
Travel With Your Pet To Hawaii
When traveling with your pets to Hawaii, there are requirements that need to be followed to avoid long quarantine in Hawaii or even denial of entry into Hawaii.
See Information Brochure and other important forms:
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE FOR BIRD OWNERS! Please check and make sure your bird is not listed on prohibited species list before making any arrangements! Before your birds can enter Hawaii, they must go through 7 days (168 hours) isolation under supervision of accredited veterinarian AND enter Hawaii WITHIN 36 HOURS OF COMPLETION OF ISOLATION. Please plan your trip carefully!!
We strive to keep our information up to date as possible, but please always check government sites of your destination for detailed information for your travel.
More Resources- USDA-APHIS also has Pet Travel Website that provides step-by-step checklist for different countries.
- JAPAN: Animal Quarantine Service (Japanese, English).
- HAWAII: Animal Quarantine Station (English only).
To book your pet health certificate appointment or learn more, call us!